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At Bilecki Law Group, We believe every service member has earned their right to an aggressive defense on their day in court. We specialize in taking the fight to the prosecution and winning cases that others said were unwinnable.

Have You Been Accused of Drunk Driving in Hawaii?

Even the first conviction could cost you your license, freedom, and livelihood

Every night, thousands of drivers get behind the wheel after enjoying a few drinks at a friend’s house or local bar. Most will drive home without a problem. Others, unfortunately, will not be so lucky. And if you are reading this, it likely means you or someone you love had the misfortune of being arrested for DUI or Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence of an Intoxicant (OVUII).

Here’s the truth of your situation: you have no time for the why questions. Why did I get caught? Why me? Why now? At this moment, none of those questions matter. The only question that does matter is: How do I put this behind me with the least amount of damage to my future? The truth is an OVUII can be an absolutely devastating event in a person’s life. A single conviction could easily cost you years in wasted time and resources.

  • You could spend weeks in prison and hundreds of hours of community service, all because of one too many drinks and made the poor decision to get behind the wheel.
  • Fines could be in the thousands of dollars, and your insurance company could require having special insurance which is extraordinarily costly – if you are insured at all.
  • Your license could be revoked for up to a year, putting your job—and your finances—at grave risk.

A DUI / OVUII conviction is a devastating event in a person’s life. Fighting it should be your #1 priority. Start fighting back TODAY with Bilecki Law Group.

How Does Hawaii Prosecute DUI and OVUII Offenders?

All states have their own laws related to drunk driving. You may know these by different names such as DUI, DWI, DUII, or here in Hawaii, OVUII (operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant). Regardless of which name you’re familiar with, the final outcome is the same: if you’re convicted of drunk driving, it could harm your career, your finances, and your reputation.

In the State of Hawaii, operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or an intoxicant is considered a misdemeanor offense. That means your fate may be decided by a jury, with a judge presiding over the hearings. However, there are many circumstances which could increase the charges well beyond a standard full misdemeanor. Additional OVUII convictions could eventually lead to a more serious Class C felony charge, or worse.

Marijuana Offenses
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Court Martial Verdicts
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Penalties Increase for Each Offense

The penalties for OVUII in Hawaii vary depending on the number of prior OVUII charges on record and the circumstances surrounding the OVUII in question, such as whether any property was destroyed or any persons were harmed. The state could very easily stack half a dozen or more charges against you, vastly increasing the risk of your court hearing.

Generally, the State of Hawaii will review your history of offenses and charge you accordingly. An OVUII must occur within 5 years of another to be considered a second or third offense.

Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of what a drunk driving charge can do to your future. Careers can be destroyed, families can be broken apart, and reputations can be shattered, all because of a single mistake or poor decision.

The People of Hawaii Trust Bilecki Law Group to Secure the Best Possible Outcome for Their Drunk Driving Charges

An OVUII trial is a nail-biting affair where the fate of your mobility, income, and freedom hangs in the balance of a group of complete strangers. How you present yourself and how you tell your story is the single most important factor standing between you and days, weeks, or even months in prison.

The risks present at this moment cannot be overstated. Which is why so many military personnel and civilians living in Hawaii trust Bilecki Law Group to defend their interests in court. Bilecki Law Group knows how to win. We have successfully defended OVUII cases and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.

So why have so many clients trusted Bilecki Law Group to represent them in court?

  • Our reputation as hard-hitting trial attorneys: The government’s zero-tolerance approach to drunk driving means that the state prosecutes a lot of OVUII cases. We know the nuanced details of the law related to drunk driving and how to secure victory for our clients in court.

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  • Our knowledgeable staff: Every member of the Bilecki Law Group team is exceptional at what they do. From our attorneys and in-house investigator down to our hard-working support staff, we know what it takes to win your case.
  • Our vast resources: Depending on the circumstances, we can devote a substantial amount of resources to securing a positive outcome for your case. Our network of consultants and specialists is just waiting for the go-ahead to move forward in your case.

Do you have an upcoming OVUII case? Don’t risk the outcome of an inexperienced attorney. Contact Bilecki Law Group TODAY for a confidential consultation in your case.

UCMJ Article 87b

FAQ's About Drunk Driving

IIDs are devices which require you to breathe into them before your vehicle can start. They’re embarrassing, obnoxious, and at close to $100 per month, expensive. Hawaii state law now requires that this device is installed for convicted DUI criminals.

Operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant is governed by HRS §291E-61.

(a) A person commits the offense of operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant if the person operates or assumes actual physical control of a vehicle:

While under the influence of alcohol in an amount sufficient to impair the person’s normal mental faculties or ability to care for the person and guard against casualty:

  • While under the influence of any drug that impairs the person’s ability to operate the vehicle in a careful and prudent manner;
  • With .08 or more grams of alcohol per two hundred ten liters of breath; or
  • With .08 or more grams of alcohol per one hundred milliliters or cubic centimeters of blood.

If you refuse to consent to a breathalyzer, Field Sobriety Test or blood draw, it will result in the mandatory revocation of your driving license for one year.

Don’t just plead guilty… Fight Back !

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