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Camp Foster
Court Martial Defense

At Bilecki Law Group, We believe every service member has earned their right to an aggressive defense on their day in court. We specialize in taking the fight to the prosecution and winning cases that others said were unwinnable.

Camp Foster trusts Bilecki Law Group for court martial defense

Camp Foster is one of ten U.S. Marine installations that make up the Smedley D. Butler Marine Corps Base complex on the island of Okinawa, Japan. It is home to the 3rd Medical Battalion, Marine Wing Support Group 17 and Combat Logistics Regiment 3 among others.

Camp Foster is located in Okinawa’s south between Ginowan City and Okinawa City and plays a vital support and logistics role for the Marines stationed in Japan.

As with many U.S. Marine installations in the Pacific, Camp Foster has been targeted by the U.S. Government as a “hotbed” for illegal activity.

This has put many Marines in jeopardy of losing their jobs, their reputations, and even their freedoms.

  • Military law enforcement such as CID and NCIS has ramped up its sting operations dramatically over the years, ensnaring both the guilty and the innocent alike. Regardless of your alleged crimes, expect the full might of the JAG office to come down hard on you in an attempt to make an example out of you to other Marines.
  • Offenses that never make it to a court-martial are still dangerous to your future. A Captain’s Mast could leave a stain on your permanent record that will never wash out and could mean the slow death of your military career.
  • Should you be charged with an offense under the UCMJ and find yourself facing a court-martial, you could face years of incarceration, heavy fines and the loss of your pension and all military benefits.

Camp Foster History and Court-Martial Activity

Camp Foster, formerly Camp Zukeran, was named after Medal of Honor recipient William A. Foster, who was mortally wounded in the Battle of Okinawa when he fell on an enemy grenade. Camp Foster has played a vital role in Okinawa’s defense since it was transferred to the U.S. Marine Corps in 1955.

Fast Facts:
  • Established: 1955
  • Location: Okinawa Japan
  • Garrison: 3rd Medical Battalion, Marine Wing Group 17, Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron 1, Marine Wing Communications Squadron 18, Combat Logistics Regiment 3, Combat Logistics Battalion 4

Today, it is the headquarters of the Marine Corps Base Butler and the Marine Corps Installations Pacific.

Court-Martial Activity: As with many of the U.S. Marine Corps bases in Japan and the rest of the Pacific, a spike in sting operations has led to the questionably legal incarceration of dozens of service members throughout the region, Camp Foster included. Meanwhile, military prosecutors maintain their incredibly high conviction rate, for most criminal offenses.

U.S. Marines at Camp Foster Trust Bilecki Law Group, PLLC to Defend Their Interests in Court

Very few service members understand what it’s like to be thousands of miles from home and accused of a criminal offense in the military. You are far from friends and family, and you have few—if any—allies protecting your interests on foreign soil. Even your own Government assumes your guilt—before you even have a chance to prove your innocence in court.

Bilecki Law Group has been serving Marines based out of Camp Foster and Okinawa since the inception of the firm. We understand what you are going through and we have the resources and the experience to help you overcome your charges and secure the best possible outcome in court.

  • Speed matters more than anything else when it comes to courts-martial. Unlike most defense attorneys that specialize in UCMJ law, our attorneys are based right here in the Pacific, in Honolulu, Hawaii. We can rapidly deploy to your location to prepare an investigation, question witnesses, and slow down law enforcement.
  • We have been operating throughout Okinawa and know our way around. You will not have to babysit our attorneys or investigator once we land in Naha. We know the bases, know the commands and know the JAG officers. Let us put this expertise to use in your case.
  • You cannot rest your hopes on one defense attorney from the JAG office, who has minimal resources and little support team behind him. Bilecki Law Group employs a full-time investigator who was a retired Marine law enforcement officer. He can quickly be in Okinawa doing a defense investigation into your case. We can have our entire team working for you if need be.

Bilecki Law Group is a trusted name at Camp Foster and throughout the Pacific. Call our law offices today for a confidential consultation into your case.

What Charges Can I Fight And Defeat At Camp Foster?

  1. UCMJ Article 120 or Article 134 (Sex Offenses): We tackle challenging cases from sexual assault to indecent exposure, fighting against a culture of conviction without evidence, protecting careers and reputations of those unjustly accused.
  2. UCMJ Article 121 (Fraud and Larceny): From BAH fraud to wrongful appropriation, we understand the nuances that lead to financial misconduct charges and provide a robust defense against oversimplified prosecutorial narratives.
  3. UCMJ Article 128 (Assault and Violent Crime): Recognizing the reality of conflicts that escalate into charges, we defend against accusations from simple brawls to more severe confrontations, ensuring a single moment doesn’t define your future.
  4. UCMJ Article 112a (Drug Crimes): In a country where drug prevalence mirrors that of the U.S., we defend service members caught in drug-related charges, often stemming from being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people.
  5. Punitive Articles of the UCMJ 77-134 (Military Specific Offenses): Facing minor infractions can lead to major consequences on foreign soil; we challenge disproportionate penalties for actions that would be minor stateside.

Facing an Allegation?
Contact Bilecki Law Group

Timothy James Bilecki

Military law attorney

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FAQs About Military Court Martial Defense In Japan

Camp Foster, like most Marine Corps bases in the region, has been targeted by law enforcement for sting operations related to drug crimes, predatory sexual conduct, and financial fraud. Other criminal offenses, such as robbery, theft and even murder, have been known to occur in Japan and throughout the Pacific.

Bilecki Law Group defends service members against all offenses under the UCMJ. If you’ve been accused of any crime whatsoever, contact our law offices immediately for a free consultation.

We travel to Okinawa multiple times every year. As we’ve mentioned, it has been a target for sting operations in the region, and we receive a steady stream of clients from the area. We’ve performed defense investigations and represented Marines throughout the island.

“If you play the game by their rules and on their battlefield, you’ve got an exceptionally low chance of winning. Don’t play by their rules. Give them the last thing they were looking for... a FIGHT!”

- Timothy J. Bilecki

your path to legal defense

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