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Child Pornography Crime Defense

At Bilecki Law Group, We believe every service member has earned their right to an aggressive defense on their day in court. We specialize in taking the fight to the prosecution and winning cases that others said were unwinnable.

Child Pornography Cases Can Be Won

Bilecki Law Group has fought – and won – cases involving allegations of possession and distribution of child pornography. We know that just because it was found on your computer, doesn’t mean you put it there or even were aware that it was present.
We understand the forensics of child pornography cases and are often the only law firm with the tenacity and resolve to take up such cases. Other law firms may refuse to even look at the evidence before making strategic decisions about your case. These other attorneys often see a lost cause. We see a service member in need of an ally during some of the darkest days of their lives.

If you go in without the right defense team, you will be hit hard–harder than most of all other types of court martial cases. The government will come after you with all the resources at its disposal. Multiple prosecutors, forensic evidence, and expert witness testimony are just the beginning. The jury, no matter how well selected, will be biased against you in a case like this. And the prosecution knows it.  So, perhaps, do you. The emotion in the courtroom will be palpable. Few crimes are perceived as hideously as child abuse, child exploitation, and child pornography. If your defense does not deflate this emotion and turn the trial into fact seeking endeavor focused on the forensic evidence, your case may be lost before it even starts.

We don’t play into the emotion or outrage, but instead, seek out our defense in the forensic evidence. The defense of child pornography cases is incredibly complex and challenging, requiring both a lawyer and a computer forensic expert to work as a part of your defense team.

At Bilecki Law Group, we have one of the top computer forensic experts on our team, so there is no need to find an outsider who may or may not have the required expertise or ability to work well with our team.

Facing an Allegation?
Contact Bilecki Law Group

Timothy James Bilecki

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Here’s What You Need to Know about Cases Involving Child Pornography

You will be hit hard—harder than 99% of all court-martial cases. The government will come after you with all the resources at its disposal. Multiple prosecutors, forensic evidence, and expert witness testimony are just the beginning. The jury, no matter how well-selected, will be biased against you. And the prosecution knows it. So, perhaps, do you.

The emotion in the courtroom will feel tangible. Few crimes are perceived as hideously as child abuse, child exploitation, and child pornography. If your defense does not harness the outrage and disgust of the jury and turn it on the prosecution, then your case is as good as lost.
Most defense attorneys have no idea how to handle a jury’s emotional response in court. Without that capability, you will lose your case spectacularly.

child pornography crime

Accused of Child Pornography in the Military? Here’s What It Will Take to Win in Court

The government will likely come at you with a treasure trove of forensic evidence. They may be able to link this evidence to you via the devices that you own and operate on a daily basis. Your attorneys must understand the complexity of this evidence and how it will be used against you.

At Bilecki Law Group, our in-house investigator is a certified digital forensic examiner. One of the leading DFE’s in the country who has been doing forensics for decades. We have the expertise, in-house, to review the daunting and complex forensic evidence in your case and ensure that it is understood by your defense team. Anything less almost guarantees your conviction.

Would you trust a defense attorney from the JAG office to perform his or her own investigation into the prosecution’s evidence?

Would you trust that attorney to hire a top forensic expert to conduct a digital forensic examination on every device for evidence supporting your innocence?

Bilecki Law Group has gone to battle for service members accused of child pornography—and we’ve come out victorious time and again. With so much at stake, you simply cannot risk anything less than the best defense possible in your child pornography case.

Digital Forensic Examiner

We have the capability to conduct complex, state of the art, digital forensics without having to contract outside experts. Having a digital forensic examiner can be incredibly beneficial for the client and the attorneys. In general, we can use computer forensics to review deleted data from a hard drive, examine file properties, and create a timeline showing when the images were downloaded and the times the images were last accessed.

This information is often useful in showing that somebody else was on the computer at the same time that the illegal pornography was downloaded or accessed.

This can sometimes allow the defense team to utilize various defenses, including showing that someone else—like another service member—downloaded the pornography on the computer, or that the accused had no knowledge that the pornography was actually on his device.

There are other critical techniques used to investigate the supposed evidence in child pornography cases.  What is important to note is that a successful defense in these cases is dependent on the dual efforts of an experienced defense attorney and a computer forensic expert.  These cases cannot be done alone without a digital forensic examiner.

A conviction for child pornography may impact the rest of your life. Take action promptly if you face any accusations involving child pornography crimes.

Bilecki Law Group understand the complexities of these cases as well as the computer forensics required to present a winning defense.  If you are suspected of or charged with crimes dealing with child pornography, do not leave your career, freedom, and future to chance.

Contact a court-martial lawyer at Bilecki Law Group to discuss all of your options, not just a guilty plea.

A computer forensic technician examining a computer
UCMJ Article 87b

The Three Questions

Defending child pornography cases typically involves three central questions:

  • Was the law enforcement search of the computer legal?
  • Are the images actually child pornography?
  • Did the service member know of or intentionally possess or distribute the child pornography?

The second and third issues simply cannot be answered without an experienced digital computer forensics expert. If you are represented by a free military attorney who has not requested the appointment of a digital computer forensic expert as well as a bit-by-bit forensic image of the hard drive, you need to question the attorney’s experience and knowledge of defending these cases.

The attorneys at Bilecki Law Group have been defending pornography cases for decades. We understand the step-by-step process required to win or mitigate these types of cases. The defense team must include a computer forensic expert who can conduct an in-depth analysis of the digital media in the case.  At our firm, we have one of the nation’s best in the house.

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