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Camp Red Cloud Court Martial Defense
At Bilecki Law Group, We believe every service member has earned their right to an aggressive defense on their day in court. We specialize in taking the fight to the prosecution and winning cases that others said were unwinnable.
Home Locations South Korea Court Martial Defense USAG Camp Red Cloud
USAG Camp Red Cloud History and Court-Martial Activity
Camp Red Cloud is a U.S. Army base located near the city of Uijeongbu, just north of Seoul, Korea. The installation serves as the main headquarters for the 2nd Infantry Division and its supporting units and is home to thousands of U.S. Service Members and their families.
The vast majority of service members stationed at Camp Red Cloud will serve their country honorably and return home without issue. Others will not be so lucky. For the men and women that are accused of a criminal offense under the UCMJ here at Camp Red Cloud and elsewhere in South Korea, the situation can turn from bad to worse almost instantaneously.
- The government will remain vague about your status and even hide the fact you’re a suspect. But behind the scenes, they’re gathering evidence, speaking with witnesses and preparing their strategy. By the time the hammer falls, it is often too late.
- South Korea is one of America’s most important regional allies. Any criminal offense committed on South Korean soil is dealt with extreme prejudice to ensure that alliance continues. This often means more resources to convict you, and harsher sentencing than anywhere else in the world.
- Unfortunately, a dishonorable discharge may be the least of your worries. Years if not decades in prison is a distinct possibility depending on the crime. Loss of your pay and allowances could leave you in terminal debt. You could be placed on a sex offender list for the rest of your life.
Camp Red Cloud—originally Camp Jackson—was established during the Korean War, and quickly became one of the most important installations on the peninsula and a major gateway between Seoul and the DMZ. In 1957, it was renamed after Corporal Mitchell Red Cloud, Jr, who stormed an enemy bunker during the Korean War, killing dozens of the enemy.Today, Camp Red Cloud remains essential to U.S. Military power on the peninsula, supporting the economic, transportation and industrial interests of both South Korea and the network of U.S. military installations spread throughout the country.Camp Red Cloud, along with Camps Casey, Stanley, Hovey and others, are jointly referred to as Area I by U.S. Military serving in the region.
- Established: 1950s
- Location: Uijeongbu
- Garrison: 2nd Infantry Division and supporting units, 55th MP Company, 604th Air Support Operations Squadron
U.S. Army Personnel at Camp Red Cloud Trust Bilecki Law Group, PLLC to Defend Their Interests in Court
The service men and women stationed at USAG Camp Red Cloud need only be in the wrong place at the wrong time to be accused of a criminal offense and treated by a court-martial. No service member, however well-intentioned or honest, is truly safe from being accused, convicted, and sentenced by the military’s justice system.
Because every service member is a potential target for U.S. prosecutors and their law enforcement allies, it is of incredible importance that—should the day ever come that you require representation—you know who to turn to.
Bilecki Law Group the premier law firm operating throughout the Pacific today, is just such an ally. Our clients have trusted us to defend their interests in court for many reasons, not least of which include:
Local and Regional Experience: Bilecki Law Group takes on cases around the world, but the vast majority of these are taken on right here in South Korea and throughout the Pacific. We have a powerful regional network of experts and we understand the judicial systems of the countries we operate in.
Fast Response to Camp Red Cloud: Our law firm is based out of Honolulu, Hawaii which means we can reach your location faster than any other law firm operating on American soil. Time is critical for most investigations, so the faster your defense attorney can reach you, the more likely you are to secure a positive outcome in your case.
Incredible Court Room Talent: Bilecki Law Group is managed and operated by military veterans that began as Judge Advocates. Over the years we’ve built one of the most prestigious court-martial defense law firms in the country, with an unrivaled case history and some of the most hard-hitting legal representation in the world.
What UCMJ Charges Can I Fight And Win?
Camp Red Cloud, initially named Camp Jackson, stands as a crucial U.S. military installation with historical roots tracing back to the Korean War. Renowned for its strategic significance between Seoul and the DMZ, the base, housing the 2nd Infantry Division and supporting units, faces ongoing legal challenges due to frequent sting operations. In response, service members stationed there rely on Bilecki Law Group, PLLC, for expert defense representation, recognizing the firm’s specialized expertise in navigating the complexities of the military justice system. Here’s how we stand up for you:
- UCMJ Article 120 or Article 134 (Sex Offenses): We tackle challenging cases from sexual assault to indecent exposure, fighting against a culture of conviction without evidence, protecting careers and reputations of those unjustly accused.
- UCMJ Article 121 (Fraud and Larceny): From BAH fraud to wrongful appropriation, we understand the nuances that lead to financial misconduct charges and provide a robust defense against oversimplified prosecutorial narratives.
- UCMJ Article 128 (Assault and Violent Crime): Recognizing the reality of conflicts that escalate into charges, we defend against accusations from simple brawls to more severe confrontations, ensuring a single moment doesn’t define your future.
- UCMJ Article 112a (Drug Crimes): In a country where drug prevalence mirrors that of the U.S., we defend service members caught in drug-related charges, often stemming from being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people.
- Punitive Articles of the UCMJ 77-134 (Military Specific Offenses): Facing minor infractions can lead to major consequences on foreign soil; we challenge disproportionate penalties for actions that would be minor stateside.
Facing an Allegation?
Contact Bilecki Law Group
Timothy James Bilecki
Military law attorney
- Tampa, FL 33602
Years of Experience
Court Martial Verdicts
Service Members Represented
Miles Traveled
FAQs About Military Court Martial Defense In South Korea
Sexual Assault is the most common allegation we see in Korea. In addition, service members on unaccompanied orders at Camp Red Cloud are targets for potential OHA fraud investigations. Some violent crimes, such as assault and battery, occur from time to time. Drug crimes are prevalent year-round.
Yes. Bilecki Law Group travels to South Korea year-round. We have traveled to Korea more than 75 times to represent Soldiers in need of court-martial defense.
“If you play the game by their rules and on their battlefield, you’ve got an exceptionally low chance of winning. Don’t play by their rules. Give them the last thing they were looking for... a FIGHT!”
- Timothy J. Bilecki
your path to legal defense
Get in Touch
- 813-669-3500
- Bilecki Law Group, PLLC, 601 S. Harbour Island BLVD, Suite 109 Tampa, FL 33602