An Army Staff Sergeant at Fort Jackson faced allegations of sexual assault in March 2019. In response to these serious charges, he retained a recognized Article 120 UCMJ sexual assault attorney, Tim Bilecki, for defense.
Bilecki undertook a comprehensive investigation, which was instrumental in preventing the escalation of the case to a general court martial. Instead, the case was addressed through an Article 15 proceeding, a form of Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP).
At the Article 15 hearing, Bilecki’s team submitted extensive rebuttal materials, vigorously defending the Staff Sergeant. As a result of their efforts, the command found the Staff Sergeant not guilty of the Article 120 (sexual assault) charge. However, he was found guilty of Article 107 (making a false official statement), but notably, his sentence for this charge was suspended.
The outcome represented a significant shift from potentially facing a general court martial for both Article 120 and Article 107 offenses to receiving a suspended sentence for the Article 107 violation at NJP. This resolution was a substantial victory in the context of the initial allegations.
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