A retirement-eligible helicopter pilot was falsely accused of sexual assault by another male Soldier in his unit. After being told that the case was “hopeless” by the first free military defense attorney who was detailed to represent him, this Army Warrant knew that he needed a fighter in his corner to actually investigate the case and prove his innocence.
Court martial lawyer Timothy Bilecki was retained and traveled to Fort Polk, Louisiana, to view the scene, interview witnesses and prepare the defense. Nearly a year later, the case was tried before a panel of officers. Bilecki’s defense strategy centered on a thorough cross-examination of the alleged victim, during which he exposed inconsistencies and motives for fabricating the allegations.
The trial lasted about a week, culminating in the jury acquitting the Warrant Officer of all charges and specifications. Bilecki’s defense successfully highlighted the flaws in the accuser’s story, leading to the exoneration of the Warrant Officer.
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