An Army Captain stationed at Camp Humphreys, Korea, faced charges of drunken, disorderly behavior and conduct unbecoming an officer. The charges stemmed from an incident during his Temporary Duty (TDY) in the UK, where he allegedly became intoxicated after a seminar and was reported for unlocking the doors of female colleagues’ rooms.
Attorney Tim Bilecki was retained to represent the Captain. No criminal charges were preferred following Bilecki’s involvement. The case progressed to an Officer Show Cause Board, for which Bilecki traveled to Korea to provide in-person legal representation.
At the board, the defense presented a case asserting that the Captain’s actions were the result of sleepwalking, induced by medication taken to alleviate jet lag from travel between Asia and the UK. This defense strategy aimed to demonstrate the unintentional nature of the Captain’s actions.
The Officer Show Cause Board found no basis for misconduct, resulting in the Captain being retained in service. This outcome underscored the effectiveness of the defense in providing a plausible explanation for the Captain’s behavior and preserving his military career.
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