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500+ Successful Court Cases & Counting: See Reviews ➔
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April 2018
Tim Bilecki

Army O-3 Investigated for $300K Fraud Hires Bilecki, Case Resolved with GOMOR

BAH Fraud of over $300,000
Yongsan, South Korea
Army Captain – O-3
Client not criminally charged, resolved with GOMOR. No federal conviction.

An Army Captain was under investigation for defrauding the government of over $300,000 of BAH funds. Timothy Bilecki, an Article 132 UCMJ BAH fraud defense attorney, was retained on the case during the initial investigation prior to our client being criminally charged. Notably, the Officer’s decision to hire Bilecki prior to being formally charged likely played a significant role in what happened next.

Early in the investigation, Mr. Bilecki investigated the case to fully understand the case and limit our client’s liabilities.  Mr. Bilecki also worked directly with the prosecution and was able to have the matter resolved without our client being charged.  

Unbelievably, this Army Captain only received a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand for allegedly stealing over $300,000 of housing allowance payments.  This was by far the lowest punishment we have ever seen for such a high dollar amount of larceny. No criminal charges, no federal conviction.

No Court Martial Charges Preferred

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