An Army Captain stationed at Ft. Shafter found himself embroiled in an investigation for alleged theft of government funds, specifically concerning fraudulent Defense Travel System (DTS) claims. Recognizing the severity of the accusations, the Captain engaged the services of court martial lawyer Tim Bilecki. Bilecki’s team conducted a detailed investigation into the claims. This thorough inquiry revealed that the DTS claims made by the Captain were, in fact, valid, and he was rightfully entitled to all claims submitted. As a result of these findings, no court martial charges were preferred against the Captain, and he did not face any adverse administrative action. However, the Captain was titled by the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID), and efforts were made by Bilecki’s office to challenge and remove this titling decision. While the attempt to overturn the titling was unsuccessful, the Captain’s military career remained intact, free from any criminal charges or adverse administrative repercussions.
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