An Army Pediatrician was accused of abusive sexual contact after massaging the breasts of a new mother trying to get her baby to latch. This was the second complaint made against this provider, and an investigation ensued. While under investigation, the Captain retained attorney Tim Bilecki to defend him and ensure that no court martial charges were preferred and that his credentials remained in place. The investigation took several months, and it was difficult to determine if there was criminal intent on the part of the provider or if this was just a case of a misunderstanding of events. Bilecki worked with the SJA office, and no court martial charges were preferred against our client. While the matter of intent was inconclusive, this was something that the Army needed to document since it was the second complaint against the Captain. The Tripler CG issued a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMOR). Our office drafted rebuttal matters to the GOMOR, but the GOMOR was still permanently filed.
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