In the early hours of a September morning, a Marine Captain stationed in Okinawa found himself ensnared in a legal predicament following a DUI breath test conducted by the Japanese police. Subsequently arrested and transferred to Military Police custody, the Captain faced potential punitive measures under Marine Corps regulations. His situation was further exacerbated by the rejection of his appeals regarding driving privileges.
In this critical juncture, the Captain sought the expertise of Tim Bilecki, a seasoned court martial lawyer in Okinawa. Bilecki promptly undertook a thorough review of the case materials and initiated strategic discussions with the Marine Corps prosecution team. His aim was to avert the imposition of criminal charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), thereby safeguarding the Captain’s military career.
The legal strategy was effective. Our client was spared from court martial charges and adverse administrative actions. Although his driving privileges were suspended, the crucial outcome was the preservation of his status and career in the Marine Corps.
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