Maximum Sentence:
- Dishonorable Discharge
- Life in confinement
- Total forfeiture
- Reduction to E-1
- Federal felony conviction
Mr. Bilecki was retained as civilian defense counsel on this case after an in-person meeting with our client in Seoul, Korea. The Army Staff Sergeant was being investigated for kidnapping, assault, and communicating a threat.
The Staff Sergeant was arrested in the Dragon Hill Lodge in Seoul after allegedly severely assaulting his wife, threatening her, and holding her against her will. A majority of the scene was caught on a security camera from inside the Dragon Hill Lodge, and after the incident, our client’s wife made a damning statement against him to CID and was willing to participate in the prosecution of the case.
Immediately upon being retained, we investigated the case and sought to keep the charges from being preferred a court martial. We knew this would be a difficult task, as the fact of this misconduct had already made its way to the 2nd Infantry Division Commanding General for his action. While in Korea, Mr. Bilecki worked directly with the client and his wife (the alleged victim) in order to help repair the relationship and keep the charges from going to a court martial. Due in part to the on-the-ground investigation that was conducted and in part to our firm’s well-rounded knowledge of the Army in Korea, we were able to keep these serious charges at the Article 15 level.
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