A Marine Corps Captain retained a court martial lawyer in Okinawa, Tim Bilecki, at the initial stages of a government investigation with the goal of preventing criminal charges from being preferred against him. His concerns stemmed from a night of alleged extreme drinking and abuse of prescription medications that culminated in his assaulting his wife and threatening to kill her and the rest of his family.
Shortly thereafter, the Captain was arrested, served a restraining order, and his family moved from Okinawa back to the United States. For optimum mitigation of the events, Mr. Bilecki immediately got involved and assisted the client in getting into a full-time in-patient drug and alcohol rehabilitative program.
After successfully admitting the Captain into the program, Mr. Bilecki worked with the client’s family, his command and the prosecution to show the extreme mitigating and extenuating circumstances behind our client’s conduct. Bilecki negotiated an agreement that allowed the Captain to complete his in-patient treatment program and keep all criminal charges from being preferred against him in exchange for a General Officer Memoranda of Reprimand and his resignation from the Marine Corps.
This agreement saved the Captain from serious court martial charges, likely prison time, a federal felony conviction and the collateral consequences of the Lautenberg Amendment. In the end, the Captain successfully completed the treatment program, resigned from the Marine Corps and made amends with his family.
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